[Way qool image]





Just the FAQs, please!

GIMP Developer Frequently Asked Questions ...

Last updated: Thursday, 10-Sep-1998 01:06:33 CDT

General Plug-Ins GTK+ Script-Fu Platforms

If your question isn't here, it might be more of a User FAQ than a developer FAQ. Look there before you panic.

The latest version of this FAQ should always be available at http://www.rru.com/~meo/gimp/faq-dev.html .

You may submit material to the maintainer, Miles O'Neal, at meo@rru.com . [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    General Questions

  1. What's new?
  2. This thing is huge! Can I build it with less than 300MB?
  3. In 0.99.17, there's no LD defined for my system.
  4. In 0.99.10, the icons in the buttons don't display!
  5. I get a lot of make errors, and some of the Makefile stuff looks weird.
  6. Why not put everything into one executable?
  7. Please get rid of the shared memory stuff!
  8. Where can I find current status information?
  9. What about docs?
  10. Is there a mailing list?
  11. Where can I keep up to date with ongoing code development? [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  12. Is XInput support available?
  13. The xpm plug-in won't build. [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    Plug-in Questions

  14. How do I tell people about my plug-ins?
  15. How can I learn to write a plug-in?
  16. Plug-ins: what values are available for the GParamDef args in the query_proc()?
  17. What are the PARAM_IMAGE and PARAM_DRAWABLE for?
  18. What are the run_modes, and how do they work?
  19. Why did some plug-ins disappear for 0.99.19?
  20. How can I obtain the current display (the first parameter of XListFonts) in plug-ins and extensions?

    GTK+ Questions

  21. What is the GTK+?
  22. Where can I get more information about the GTK?
  23. What changed in the 0.99.10 release?
  24. What is box packing, and how does it work?
  25. When a radio button is selected, the one being deselected also catches the signal. How do I deal with this??
  26. Why does 0.99.xx get GTK errors when compiling?

    Script-Fu Questions

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  27. Where can I learn about Scheme?
  28. Why does my script crash on gimp-layer-delete? [an error occurred while processing this directive]

... and the Answers!

    General Questions

  1. What's new? The first production release is out - 1.0.0 !
  2. This thing is huge! Can I build it with less than 300MB?

    Yes. To produce a much smaller GIMP, do the following:

        rm config.cache
        LDFLAGS="-s" ; export LDFLAGS   # for csh use  setenv LDFLAGS "-s"
        ./configure --disable-debug
    Then, if you run into problems...
        rm config.cache
        LDFLAGS="" ; export LDFLAGS   # for csh use  unsetenv LDFLAGS
        ./configure --enable-debug
        make   # for just the libraries and executables needing debugging

  3. In 0.99.17, there's no LD defined for my system.

    You need to hand-edit the "libtool" file and set LD=ld .

  4. In 0.99.10, the icons in the buttons won't display! There are two ways to deal with this. The first simply gets around the problem, but if you don't have source, it works fine. If you do have source, you should instead apply Mark Powell's patch instead.


    In either your site gimprc file, or your personal gimprc file, uncomment the line that looks like this:

        # (install-colormap)

  5. I get a lot of make errors, and some of the Makefile stuff looks weird.

    You may need to use gmake (GNU's make). It's available wherever GNU utilities are available, such as ftp.sunsite.edu .

  6. Why not put everything into one executable?

    Two reasons. First, in a word, ``bloat''. Instead of one reasonably-sized program plus whatever plug-ins happened to be running at the moment, you would have one humongous program.

    The other problem is ownership. Right now, anyone can write a plug-in, maintain it, fix it, enhance it, etc, and it has no effect on anything else in the gimp, or on any other developers. If everything moved into one package, the whole multi-developer paradigm would quickly bog down in detail, and ultimately, one person would end up holding the bag.

  7. Please get rid of the shared memory stuff!

    There are two shared memory issues - operating system shared memory and X shared memory.

  8. Where can I find current status information?

    There are lots of GIMP pages out there now, but these are the primary starting points for developers, at this time.

  9. What about docs?

    Michael J. Hammel <mjhammel@csn.net> is coordinating this effort. The docs will be handled in SGML, but if you really can't deal with SGML when you document your code, send him flat files, HTML, or anything else that's a common, standard format.

  10. Is there a mailing list?

  11. Where can I keep up to date with ongoing code development?

    See previous question.

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  12. Is XInput support available?

    It's under development. For more information, see Owen Taylor's <otaylor@gtk.org> page about XInput support for GTK and the GIMP.

  13. The xpm plug-in won't build.

    You either don't have the XPM package installed, or you have the wrong version of XPM installed, or it's in a non-standard place. Check the GIMP install document to see which version you need; then make sure the include files and library are in paths defined in the Makefile (usually /usr/{lib,include}/X11 or /usr/local/{lib,include}).

    If they are elsewhere, modify the Makefile appropriately.

    [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    Plug-in Questions

  14. How do I tell people about my plug-ins?

    Ingo Luetkebohle has developed an automated registry.

    Browse a complete selection of plug-ins, with easy downloading, automated submission of new plug-ins and lots more to come at:

  15. How can I learn to write a plug-in?

    The easiest way is to find a similar plug-in and modify it. If you don't see all the features you want in one, take parts from several. It's best to start simply, and add features. This has several advantages - you are concentrating on one thing at a time so you can do a better job, you will only have to debug one thing at a time (a BIG win), and you will probably learn each piece more thoroughly. (If you look at the available plug-ins, you will see that most of them branched from just a few originals.) This is actually a good way to learn almost any new language, library, system, etc.

  16. Plug-ins: what values are available for the GParamDef args in the query_proc()?

    Each entry has three elements: the type, a name string, and a definition string. Both string values are user-definable. The first element must be one of the types defined in the GParamType enumerated type in libgimp/gimpenums.h .

    The first three entries in the GParamDef array must be of the correct types, in order: PARAM_INT32, PARAM_IMAGE, and PARAM_DRAWABLE. You need all three of these, and might as well just copy them verbatim from an existing plug-in.

  17. What are the PARAM_IMAGE and PARAM_DRAWABLE for?

    In the words of Quartic (Federico Mena):

    ``The PARAM_IMAGE parameter refers to the image the plug-in was invoked from. Most plug-ins do not make use of that parameter, since they only care about getting a drawable to operate on (the third parameter).

    ``If you want to write a plug-in for RGB images only, then you should specify one of the "RGB", "RGBA", "RGB*" strings when calling gimp_install_procedure() in your query_proc. That is where the GIMP knows what types of images the plug-in can accept.''

  18. What are the run_modes, and how do they work?

    Again in the words of Quartic (Federico Mena):

    ``Run_modes tell the plug-in whether it is being called interactively (i.e. the user selected it from an image's pop-up menu) or non-interactively (from a script, for example). If a plug-in is called interactively, it should display its dialog box if it has one. If it is called non-interactively, it should not display any kind of user interface; instead it should use the parameters it is passed.''

    The three definitions for the run modes are RUN_INTERACTIVE, RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, and RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS. Again, if you base your plug-in on an existing one, you'll see clues to where you need to worry about the modes by looking for these. You might want to look at a complex plug-in as well as a simple one to make sure you have all the bases covered.

  19. Why did some plug-ins disappear for 0.99.19?

    Some of the plug-ins have proven unstable. These have been moved into a separate download, which should be available wherever you got the GIMP, in the file gimp-plugins-unstable-VERSION.tar.gz or gimp-plugins-unstable-VERSION.tar.bz2 .

    Since this list can change frequently, it is not included here.

  20. How can I obtain the current display (the first parameter of XListFonts) in plug-ins and extensions?

    You can use GDK_DISPLAY() for that.

    GTK+ Questions

  21. What is the GTK+? It's a GUI API. It was written for the GIMP, to get rid of its dependency on Motif. It officially stands for the GIMP ToolKit, although the G may eventually mean General or GUI or GNU or something as it gets used more outside the GIMP, in things like the gzilla browser.
  22. Where can I get more information about the GTK? Shawn T. Amundson maintained the GTK documentation web pages, but they've disappeared, at least for the summer.
  23. What changed in the 0.99.10 release? Here's what Eiichi Takamori found:

  24. What is box packing, and how does it work?

    Box packing refers to how your controls are laid out in an hbox or vbox. Raph Levien has written a tutorial on box packing.

  25. When a radio button is selected, the one being deselected also catches the signal. How do I deal with this??

    Thanks again to Quartic:

    At the start of your callback function:
        if (!GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button)->active)
            return; /* or whatever you want to do */

  26. Why does 0.99.xx get GTK errors when compiling?

    If you are seeing complaints about the wrong number of arguments for some gtk function[s], and/or an unresolved reference to some gtk function[s], you need a newer version of GTK. Get it at

    ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gtk/ .
    After you build it, remove any old versions (or move them elsewhere) and install the new version. The GIMP build process insists on using the installed gtk+ libraries at this time.

    Script-Fu Questions

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  27. Where can I learn about Scheme?

    Dov Grobgeld is working on a tutorial specifically to get Script-Fu users up to speed quickly. You might also check out MIT's Scheme page.

    Tim Mooney asked about scheme documentation on the developer's mailing list; here is his summary:

    Regarding my query on good references for a would-be
    Schemer, thanks to:
        "Daniel X. Pape" <dpape@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
        Quartic (federico@nuclecu.unam.mx)
        Erik Nygren <nygren@mit.edu>
        Andy Thomas <alt@picnic.demon.co.uk>
    Quartic and Erik indicated that the canonical reference
    for Scheme is:
        Abelson, H., G. Sussman and J. Sussman
        "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
        MIT Press, 2nd ed.
        August 1996
        ISBN 0-262-01153-0
        657 pp.
        $60.00 (cloth)
    There is a web page companion for the book at:
    Daniel suggested I just do a net search and provided me
    with a good starting point at Yahoo:
    Andy pointed out that there is a SIOD reference at:
    While doing some searching with HotBot for the book Quartic
    and Erik mentioned, I found another possibly useful site:
    Also, check out Mark Galassi's documentation page, at:
    Mark is the primary maintainer for Guile, the GNU Scheme
    extension language.
    Giacomo Boffi offered an alternative viewpoint:
    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    is invaluable as a learning tool for computer science.
      on the contrary, its usefulness wrt learning scheme, taking into
      account the limited aims that prompt most fu-scripters, could be
      i'd like to point to another book by MIT PRESS,
    The Little Schemer - 4th Edition
    by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen 
    drawings by Duane Bibby 
    foreword by Gerald J. Sussman
     ISBN 0-262-56099-2 
     216 pp. 12 illus.
     $17.50 (paper)
      that imho is much more appropriate as a learning tool for scheme (or 
      lisp, in general)
      note also that it cost substantially less!

  28. Why does my script crash on gimp-layer-delete?

    Hopefully one day someone will determine why and fix it! Until then, however, use gimp-image-remove-layer instead of gimp-layer-delete and things should work fine.


  29. 0.99.18 won't compile for DEC OSF1 V4 (Digital UNIX)

    This is one of the few platforms where gcc isn't the right answer. Acording to Stephen Eglen,

    During compilation, cc doesn't like the following code found in
    app/layer.c (line 56) and app/channel.c (line 45).
    enum {
    static gint layer_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
    The compiler comes up with the following error:
    cc: Error: layer.c, line 56: In the declaration of "layer_signals",
    the array bound "LAST_SIGNAL" is not a positive integer. 
    static gint layer_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
    So I changed the line to:            vv
    static gint layer_signals[LAST_SIGNAL+1] = { 0 };
    which kept the compiler happy, although maybe now that has broken
    something else.
    I also had to use a private colourmap by adding the following to gimprc:
    Without this private colourmap, I still get a sigabrt:
    ** ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    gimp fatal error: sigabrt caught
    [Note also that once I got it working with cc, I didn't recompile it
    under gcc to see if gcc works with private colourmaps.]

  30. Why can't I get JPEG to work on my Digital Alpha/UNIX (4.0d) box? Even the jpeg libraries at the GIMP web site may not work for all versions. If their jpeg-shared-6.a.tar.gz package doesn't work for you, try:

  31. Why won't GIMP compile on IRIX (SGI)?

    If you are using a 64-bit OS, you need to add the `-o32' option for the compiler, or use gcc. With the SGI compiler, you may also need to play with optimization. Some modules may have exhibit problems unless compiled with `-O1' or even `-O0'.

  32. Script-Fu won't compile on IRIX (SGI)

    Script-Fu requires the POSIX-compliant regex functions, which SGI only supports with IRIX 6.2 and later versions. The GNU version of regex should work just fine, though, and is available at:


  33. 0.99.10 won't compile on SCO

    Quartic posted this fix, which showed up as a result of a GIMP IRC discussion:

    (This is Steve, aka valiant@deeptht.armory.com.)

    Here's the fix for the configure/SCO/-lXext problem:

    In gtk+/configure.in, line 75:

    The last argument should be: -lX11 $X_EXTRA_LIBS

    Instead of: -lX11

    Run autoconf and configure again.

    The reason this broke: OSR5 requires -lsocket for the X stuff to work. This is detected correctly a few steps prior. In the -lXext test however, a compilation is attempted with XShmAttach() to see if it is resolved properly with -lXext. Since in this test -lsocket is not included, link errors are produced and the test fails, so configure assumes -lXext does not help and does not put it in the Makefiles.

  34. Why does GIMP complain about X Input Methods under Solaris?

    The GIMP is interacting in such a way with your system that it thinks you have XIM extensions when you don't. Run the configure script again, with the `--disable-xim' option, and recompile.

    You can also try compiling with `--disable-shared'.

    Or you can install a version of X11R6. 8^)

  35. 0.99.10 acts bizarre on Solaris 5.5.1

    If you are linking with GNU's ld, this is probably the problem. Try using /usr/ccs/bin/ld instead.

  36. How do I add fonts with Solaris?

    If you just want to use freefonts or sharefonts, you can copy these files into the appropriate directory (such as /usr/openwin/lib/fonts/freefonts/ or /usr/openwin/lib/fonts/sharefonts/), or merge them with the appropriate fonts.dir and fonts.scale files if you mixed in freefonts and sharefonts with existing fonts:

    Or just try using fontadmin instead of mkfontdir .

    I've never run into a Solaris system missing this, but according to From Neil Corlett:

    The 'fontadmin' tool is a openwin demo program and sometimes does not exist. To properly add fonts the finagled directory requires fonts.dir, fonts.scale files to exist. mkfontdir does the first of these OK. For the second I built groff and downloaded type1inst-0.6.1 from an X contrib archive. type1inst (which needs groff) will build the fonts.scale file from the pfb files automatically.
    Solaris 2.6 is supposed to include better font editor and admin tools.
  37. Why won't the GIMP compile on Solaris?

    There may be a number of reasons. Several peoples' answers are here. The most detailed answers, list first, are the best bets with their noted versions.

    According to resident Gimp on SOlaris guru Jim Harmon, more recent versions (0.99.25 on) should compile easily, but you may need to make a change in /usr/graphics/gtk-config.in:

          echo -L${exec_prefix}/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib \
               -lgtk -lgdk -lglib -lXext -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm
    NEW:             (subs. your own GTK path for /usr/graphics )
          echo -L${exec_prefix}/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib \
               -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/gtk/.libs \
               -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/gtk/.libs -lgtk \
               -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/gdk/.libs \
               -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/gdk/.libs -lgdk \
               -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/glib/.libs \       
               -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.10/glib/.libs -lglib \
               -lXext -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm

    Jim Harmon compiled GIMP 0.99.19 and GTK+ 0.99.5 on Solaris 2.5, SPARC 5. Here are the steps he took:

    (*) If you're installing a NEW VERSION, first:
    (*)   o    cd   (/usr/graphics/gtk+)
    (*)   o    make uninstall clean
    (*)   o    rm -r ~/.gimp
          o    mkdir /usr/graphics
          o    mv g*.tar.gz /usr/graphics
          o    tar xvfz gtk+-0.99.5.tar.gz
                  created  /usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5
          o    cd gtk+-0.99.5
          o    ./configure, make, make install
                  (executed successfully)
          o    cd ..
          o    tar xvfz gimp+-0.99.19.tar.gz
                  created  /usr/graphics/gimp+-0.99.19
          o    cd gimp+-0.99.18
          o    ./configure
          NOW:  *** Edit "config.status" ***
          o    vi config.status
          o    change:
                  (note, the following are SINGLE LINES, remove any "\"
                   characters and duplicate objects in the string if you 
                   cut/paste these into your config.status file...)
           s%@LDFLAGS@%  -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib \
                         -lgtk -lgdk -lglib \
                         -lXext -lX11 -lsocket  -lnsl -lm%g
    (*)    s%@LDFLAGS@%     -L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib \
                            -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib \
                            -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/gtk/.libs \
                            -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/gtk/.libs -lgtk \
                            -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/gdk/.libs \
                            -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/gdk/.libs -lgdk \
                            -L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/glib/.libs \
                            -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.5/glib/.libs -lglib \
                            -lXext -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm%g
    (*)   O    To SAVE SPACE in compiling, in the config.status file, 
               REMOVE the "-g" option from the CFLAGS line:
            [was] s%@CFLAGS@%  -g -I/usr/openwin/include -O2 -Wall%g
            [is]  s%@CFLAGS@% -I/usr/openwin/include -O2 -Wall%g
          o    ./config.status, make, make install
          (In other words, where "-lgtk -lgdk -lglib" appear
          on the LDFLAGS line, add the GTK+ path to the libs
          with the format of "-L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3//.libs
          -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3//.libs -l", subsituting
          gtk/gdk/glib for )
    (*)   Also bear in mind that "/usr/local/lib" won't exist if not
          added as shown to LDFLAGS.
          - - -
          I'm using the precompiled GCC for Solaris 2.6,
          and gmake instead of make.  To get GCC and GMAKE working,
          I had to set the paths to /usr/xpg4/bin and /usr/ccs/bin
          to the PATH variable, so that different compiler tools
          could be found.  (ar, bison, cpp, etc.)

    Jim Harmon compiled GIMP 0.99.18 and GTK+ 0.99.3 on Solaris 2.5, SPARC 5. Here are the steps he took:

    o    mkdir /usr/graphics
    o    mv g*.tar.gz /usr/graphics
    o    tar xvfz gtk+-0.99.3.tar.gz
            created  /usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3
    o    cd gtk+-0.99.3
    o    ./configure, make, make install
            (executed successfully)
    o    cd ..
    o    tar xvfz gimp+-0.99.18.tar.gz
            created  /usr/graphics/gimp+-0.99.18
    o    cd gimp+-0.99.18
    o    ./configure
    NOW:  *** Edit "config.status" ***
    o    vi config.status
    o    change:
            (note, the following are SINGLE LINES, remove any
     characters in the string if you cut/paste it into your
                config.status file...)
    s%@LDFLAGS@%   -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lglib
    -lXext -lX11 -lsocket  -lnsl -lm%g
    s%@LDFLAGS@%   -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib
    -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3/gtk/.libs -lgtk
    -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3/gdk/.libs -lgdk
    -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3/glib/.libs -lglib -lXext -lX11 -lsocket
    -lnsl -lm%g
    o    ./config.status, make, make install
    (In other words, where "-lgtk -lgdk -lglib" appear
    on the LDFLAGS line, add the GTK+ path to the libs
    with the format of "-L/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3//.libs
    -R/usr/graphics/gtk+-0.99.3//.libs -l", subsituting
    gtk/gdk/glib for )
    I'm using the precompiled GCC for Solaris 2.6,
    and gmake instead of make.  To get GCC and GMAKE working,
    I had to set the paths to /usr/xpg4/bin and /usr/ccs/bin
    to the PATH variable, so that different compiler tools
    could be found.  (ar, bison, cpp, etc.)

    According to Keyyly Price, here's a major one for 0.99.10 .

    ``If you do a -lX11, you must also include -lsocket, or it won't compile anything of X on Solaris 2.5. X doesn't have the socket lib.

    Which means you'll need to setenv LIBS -lsocket while running configure if you run Solaris 2.5.''

    Will Lowe did the following to get the GIMP compiled for Solaris 2.5.1 : (You should replace /usa/lowe/usb_lowe/gimp in each "-L" part with whereever you are compiling gimp, and replace /usa/lowe/gimp/lib in the "-R" parts with whereever you're going to install gimp. -Will)

    Get gimp source (duh) (gimp-0.99.9).
    uncompress and untar the source.
    ./configure --without-libtiff
    rm docs/pdb.info
    Remove these three lines:
    #if defined (HAVE_IPC_H) && defined (HAVE_SHM_H) && defined (HAVE_XSHM_H)
    #define USE_SHM
            change the variable "libgdk_la_LDFLAGs" to include: 
            -L/usa/lowe/usb_lowe/gimp/gtk+/glib/.libs -R/usa/lowe/gimp/lib
            before "-lglib"
            change the variable "libgtk_la_LDFLAGS" to include:
            -L/usa/lowe/usb_lowe/gimp/gtk+/gdk/.libs -R/usa/lowe/gimp/lib
            before "-lgdk"
            change the variable "libgimp_la_LDFLAGS" to include:
            -L/usa/lowe/usb_lowe/gimp/gtk+/glib/.libs -R/usa/lowe/gimp/lib
            before "-lglib"
    change "libgimpui_la_LDFLAGS" to include
            -L/usa/lowe/usb_lowe/gimp/gtk+/gtk/.libs -R/usa/lowe/gimp/lib 
            before "-lgtk"
            move "#include <sys/types.h>" to above "#include <sys/socket.h>"
            same as dgimp.c
    For 0.99.pre11, Sheldon E. Newhouse suggests the following change to the libtool files:
    #archive_cmds='$LD -G -z text -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs'
    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs'
    Or, you can just grab the current binaries from http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~paul/ , courtesy of T. Paul McCartney.
  38. Why do 0.99.1x versions of GIMP crash on Solaris shortly after starting?

    A bug appeared in the code. Here's the pacth, courtesy of Petr A. Ovchenkov and Dov Grobgeld:

    -------------- cut here --------------
    *** plug_in.c.orig	Sun Oct 12 18:49:27 1997
    --- plug_in.c	Sun Oct 12 18:39:25 1997
    *** 219,226 ****
      	      g_warning ("shmat failed...disabling shared memory tile transport\n");
      	      shm_ID = -1;
    ! 	  else
    ! 	    shmctl (shm_ID, IPC_RMID, 0);
    --- 219,226 ----
      	      g_warning ("shmat failed...disabling shared memory tile transport\n");
      	      shm_ID = -1;
    ! 	  /* else
    ! 	    shmctl (shm_ID, IPC_RMID, 0); */
    *** 336,341 ****
    --- 336,345 ----
            plug_in_destroy (plug_in);
    +   if ( shm_ID != -1 ) {
    +       shmctl( shm_ID, IPC_RMID, 0 );
    +       shm_ID = -1;
    +   }
    -------------- cut here --------------

  39. Is there an RPM for Red Hat Linux?

    Yes. Try the following:


  40. Why won't my RPMs upgrade properly?

    According to Rob Payne...

    There are old .src.rpm's on ftp.redhat.com for gimp and gtk that if used to build new gtk+ and gimp will create all kinds of headaches for the builder.

    The gtk SPEC file manually moves header files from gtk default installation place, and then the CFLAGS returned by gtk-config are incorrect when it comes time to build/install gimp. I was successful in bringing the gtk+ SPEC file up to date by removing the following lines from (gtk-970925.spec) to build 0.99.7 and 0.99.8:

        (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/include
         mkdir glib
         mv glib.h glibconfig.h glib)
    Of course, the %files section of that SPEC need to be changed, as well to include the differences in places for the header files, and to include gtk-config.

    I hope that information is useful to someone. If you have any questions about any of this, please let me know.

  41. What is the gimp.wmconfig file? It's a Red Hat RPM-related file, related to their desktop and window manager.
  42. Why does my RedHat system get __register_???? erors when I run GIMP? This is due to incompaitble RPMS. If (for example) gtk was compiled with egcs, gimp must be compiled with egcs. There is no easy way to tell what is compiled with what, so getting both gimp and gtk off a gimp mirror would be a good idea.

    Another possibility is for this error (far less common) is that there is an old library compiled with the other hanging around somewhere on the system. Remove old copies of libgimp.

  43. Why don't GIF and JPEG work on Slackware Linux? You need to manually get libgif and libjpeg and compile and install them on your system. They will install by default in /usr/local/lib, so once they're installed, you have to make sure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib or put /usr/local/lib in your ld.so configuration file. In addition, you also have to remove libgif.* and libjpeg.* from your /usr/lib directory, as these will be found first (and even if you finagle ld.so to find the other libs first, they're still broken so remove them anyway). I think that if you go to ftp.gimp.org there's a "support" type subdirectory that has the gif, jpeg, png, and mpeg libraries, though I've never gotten the mpeg stuff to compile.
  44. Why won't GIMP build for SuSE Linux 5.x?

    You probably just installed the graphics libraries. You also need to install the development portion as well; it's called the libgr source package. After installing that, GIMP should compile easily.

  45. Where can I get recent binaries?
  46. why does compiling on HP fail with notes about s%@LIBXMU_LIB@%-lXmu? From the Sun -> HP porting guide...

    ``Some of the X include files and libraries are not in /usr/include/X11 and /usr/lib/X11 as you may expect. This is because HP allows support for X11R4 and X11R5 on the same machine. You must modify a configuration file so that the Makefile created by imake looks for these files and libraries in an alternate location. See "Motif and Xt" on page A-5 and "Xaw and Xmu" on page A-6 for details on installation of OSF/Motif, Xt, Xaw and Xmu.


    ``HP does not ship or support these widget libraries; however, they are widely used for X public domain software. Binaries and header files are available from the Interworks library. Source is available from public domain archives. The name of the binary package in the Interworks library is x8.0s700.tar.Z. You may also be able to locate these files on another machine and copy them to your machine.''

    The ref'd package is at:

    Look for the x8.0s[378]00.tar.Z files.
  47. I get make errors on {Solaris, HP/UX, whatever}.

    You are probably not using the GNU make. Most, if not all, non-GNU makes will fail on the GIMP makefiles. Get the GNU make package.

  48. Why do I see weird things when I use the GIMP with AcceleratedX?

    It's a bug in AcceleratedX with shared memory. Turn off shared memory when you start the GIMP (--no-xshm) or pick up the patch to AcceleratedX's X server from ftp://ftp.xinside.com/ax/patches/v3.1/beta/ . At least one person has found this bug (or another one with the same symptoms) to still be present in 4.1 .

  49. Why is the selection marquee invisible using XFree3.3 with my S3 Virge graphics card?

    This is a bug in XFree. You need to upgrade to XFree3.3.2 .

  50. 0.6 won't compile for AIX...

    Here is a patch from Jim Geuther. This will disappear from the FAQ when it's fixed in the master source copy.

Gimp News

Contributors: Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis, Thomas Bahls, Zach Beane, Giacomo Boffi, Victor Brilon, Eli Burke, Seth Burgess, Neil Corlett, Christopher Curtis, Bert Driehuis, Ian Donaldson, Pat Dunn (?), Stephen Eglen, Eugene Filippov, Rial Fletcher, Steve Ginzburg, Trond Eivind Glomsrĝd, Dov Grobgeld, Michael J. Hammel, Pete Harlan, Jim Harmon, Thimo Jansen, Philippe Lavoie, Marc Lehmann, Adrian Karstan Likins, Will Lowe, Ingo Lütkebohle, T. Paul McCartney, Adam Moss, Tim Mooney, Sven Neumann, Sheldon E. Newhouse, Miles O'Neal, Rob Payne, Mark Powell, Quartic (Federico Mena), Deon Ramsey, William L. Sebok, Terrelle Shaw, Mike Sweet, Eiichi Takamori, Mike Taylor, Owen Taylor

Last updated: 10 September 1998 [an error occurred while processing this directive]