gpc(3) Gimp Plug-ins gpc(3) NAME GPC - GTK Plug-in Convenience library SYNOPSIS #include void gpc_setup_tooltips(GtkWidget *parent); Initialize tooltips interface, set colors. void gpc_set_tooltip(GtkWidget *widget, const char *tip); Set tooltip for a widget (if tip is non-null). void gpc_add_action_button(char *label, GtkSignalFunc callback, GtkWidget *dialog, char *tip); Add action button (with tooltip) to a dialog. void gpc_add_radio_button(GSList **group, char *label, GtkWidget *box, gint *value, char *tip); Add radio button (with tooltip) to a dialog. void gpc_add_hscale(GtkWidget *table, int width, float low, float high, gdouble *val, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, char *tip); Add horizontal scale widget (with tooltip) to a dialog at given location. void gpc_add_label(char *value, GtkWidget *parent, int left, int right, int top, int bottom); Add label widget (no tooltip) to a dialog at given loca- tion. void gpc_close_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); Destroy callback - quit this plug-in. void gpc_cancel_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); Cancel button callback - go away without saving state, etc. void gpc_scale_update(GtkAdjustment *adjustment, double *scale_val); Scale update callback - update the SCALE widget's data. Roadkills-R-Us 30 Apr 1998 1 gpc(3) Gimp Plug-ins gpc(3) void gpc_text_update(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); Text update callback - update the TEXT widget's data. DESCRIPTION This is a set of routines to make life easier on plug-in writers. It helps keep the GUI code short and sweet. (In the plug-in for which it was originally designed, it cut the GUI code in half.) It's somewhat arbitrary in what it includes so far, because I haven't needed everything in GTK. Feel free to contribute more to it. TOOLTIPS ROUTINES gpc_setup_tooltips() must be called first. This initial- izes internal data structures and sets the tooltip colors. It can be called with any widget high enough in the hier- archy to contain all the widgets needing tooltips. Typi- cally this will be the container widget under the top- level frame: Example: frame = gtk_frame_new("Parameter Settings"); : gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)->vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); table = gtk_table_new(4, 2, FALSE); : gtk_widget_show(table); gpc_setup_tooltips(table); gpc_set_tooltip() may be called directly, but is usually called inside other convenience functions. If called directly, it must still be after the call to gpc_setup_tooltips(). It hides a lot of detail of the GTK tooltips: Example: gtk_widget_show(button); gpc_set_tooltip(button, tip); USER INTERFACE ROUTINES These routines all hide implementation details to make it easier to lay out a GUI with a consitent, gimp-style interface, while keeping the plug-in code cleaner. gpc_add_action_button() adds an action button (such as [Cancel] or [OK] to the action button area of a frame. Roadkills-R-Us 30 Apr 1998 2 gpc(3) Gimp Plug-ins gpc(3) The callback argument has the standard GTK callback inter- face. A standard callback is provided for [Cancel] but- tons if you wish to use it. Usage: void gpc_add_action_button( char *label, /* text for action button */ GtkSignalFunc callback, /* callback function address */ GtkWidget *dialog, /* dialog widget to contain button */ char *tip /* tooltip text */ ) Example: static void randomize_ok_callback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { = TRUE; gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(data)); } : gpc_add_action_button("OK", (GtkSignalFunc) randomize_ok_callback, dlg, "Accept settings and apply filter to image"); gpc_add_action_button("Cancel", (GtkSignalFunc) gpc_cancel_callback, dlg, "Close plug-in without making any changes"); gpc_add_radio_button() adds a radio button. If the radio group does not exist, it will be created and passed back in the group argument. A standard callback will be attached to the radio button, requiring a state variable which you provide via the value argument. Usage: void gpc_add_radio_button( GSList **group, /* address of radio group */ char *label, /* label for new radio button */ GtkWidget *box, /* radio box for this radio button */ gint *value, /* address of state variable */ char *tip /* tooltip text */ ) Example: GSList *type_group = NULL; : gpc_add_label("Randomization Type:", table, 0, 1, 0, 1); toggle_hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5); gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(toggle_hbox), 5); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), toggle_hbox, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL, 5, 0); Roadkills-R-Us 30 Apr 1998 3 gpc(3) Gimp Plug-ins gpc(3) gpc_add_radio_button(&type_group, "Hurl", toggle_hbox, &do_hurl, "Hurl random colors onto pixels"); gpc_add_radio_button(&type_group, "Pick", toggle_hbox, &do_pick, "Pick at random from neighboring pixels"); gpc_add_radio_button(&type_group, "Slur", toggle_hbox, &do_slur, "Simplistic melt"); gpc_add_hscale() adds a horizontal scale to a table con- tainer at the designated coordinates. A standard callback will be attached to the scale, requiring a state variable which you provide via the value argument. Usage: void gpc_add_hscale( GtkWidget *table, /* table widget to hold scale */ int width, /* width (in pixels) of scale */ float low, /* low value for scale */ float high, /* high value for scale */ gdouble *value, /* pointer to current value */ int left, /* left table position info */ int right, /* right table position info */ int top, /* top table position info */ int bottom, /* bottom table position info */ char *tip /* tooltip text */ ) Example: gpc_add_label("Randomization %:", table, 0, 1, 2, 3); gpc_add_hscale(table, SCALE_WIDTH, 1.0, 100.0, &pivals.rndm_pct, 1, 2, 2, 3, "Percentage of pixels to be filtered"); gpc_add_label() simply adds a label at the designated coordinates in the table. Labels don't get tooltips. Usage: void gpc_add_label( char *value, /* text for new label */ GtkWidget *table, /* table widget to hold label */ int left, /* left table position info */ int right, /* right table position info */ int top, /* top table position info */ int bottom /* bottom table position info */ ) Example: Roadkills-R-Us 30 Apr 1998 4 gpc(3) Gimp Plug-ins gpc(3) gpc_add_label("Randomization %:", table, 0, 1, 2, 3); CALLBACKS: gpc_close_callback() is used in OK callbacks, and anywhere else you need a callback to destroy widgets. The default cancel callback, gpc_cancel_callback() simply closes (destroys) the current panel. The gpc_scale_update() and gpc_text_update() callbacks update the appropriate wid- get's data from that widget. No special diagnostics are provided. BUGS This software should be 100% Bug-Free [tm]. AUTHOR Miles O'Neal Leander, TX Additionally, some of the code may have been distilled from the following plug-ins: alienmap (Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Daniel Cotting) plasma (Copyright (C) 1996 Stephen Norris), oilify (Copyright (C) 1996 Torsten Martinsen), ripple (Copyright (C) 1997 Brian Degenhardt) and whirl (Copyright (C) 1997 Federico Mena Quintero). Roadkills-R-Us 30 Apr 1998 5